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Novels & Novellas

The first novel 'Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa' is also the longest.

Along with the two novellas, this featured the historical exploits of Das' ancestors.

The other novels are Ghanashyam's own escapades.


1966 - Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Agra Jedin Tawlomawl / Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl [Novella]

1967/ Earlier - Das Holen Ghanada [Novella]

1967-1968 - Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa / Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa [Novel]

1972 - Mongolgrohey Ghanada [Novel]

1978 - Tel Deben Ghanada [Novel]

1986 - Mandhatar Tope O Ghanada [Novel]

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Agra Jedin Tawlomawl' /

'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl' ('When Agra Trembled'), 1966

The Prisoner of Agra

. First history-based novella on Ghanashyam's predecessor.

Bachanram helps the captive Shivaji escape from Agra (1666).


. The 1966 'Amrito' Puja annual published it as

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Agra Jedin Tawlomawl'.

Two years later, the book re-christened it

'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl'.


. Ajit Gupta's Agra motif.

Bachanram naturally resembles his trademark Ghanashyam.

Opening page of

'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl'

From 'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl', 1968

Artist : Ajit Gupta

First Published : 1966, 'Shaarodiyo Amrito'

Illustrations : Subodh Kumar Dasgupta

First featured in the book : 'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl', 1968

Illustrator : Ajit Gupta

Also featured in the book : 'Ghanada Toshyo Toshyo Omnibus', 1983

Illustrations : None




From 'Ghanada Gallery' Website

[Click to Enlarge]

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Agra Jedin Tawlomawl'

From 'Shaarodiyo Amrito', 1966

Artist : Subodh Kumar Dasgupta

From ' Ghanada Gallery ' Website
'Das Holen Ghanada'

'Das Holen Ghanada' ('Thus the Title of 'Das''), 1967 or Earlier

Das Far and Even Further

. First history-based novella of Ghanashyam's ancestor.

Ghanaram invents the first tank in 16th century Mexico


. 'Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa' refers to events of this story,

placing 'Das Holen Ghanada' in / before 1967.

Can anyone tell us where and in which periodical it was first published ?

Some pages of 'Das Holen Ghanada'

From 'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl', 1968

Artist : Ajit Gupta

First Published in : Unknown

First featured in the book : 'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl', 1968

Illustrator : Ajit Gupta

Also featured in the book : 'Ghanada Toshyo Toshyo Omnibus', 1983

Illustrations : None




From 'Ghanada Gallery' Website

. Ajit Gupta's Aztec motif

[Click to Enlarge]

'Agra Jawkhon Tawlomawl', 1966

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa' /

'Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa' ('Golden Tears of the Sun'), 1967 - 1968

Peril in Peru

. Longest Ghanada novel.


. Backdrop : 16th Century Spanish Conquest of Peru.


. Ghanashyambabu relates the deeds of his ancestor Ghanaram to his lake-side audience.


. Serially published as

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa'.

The book version shortened it to 'Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa'.


. Two excellent headpieces by an unknown artist accompanied the 'Amrito' instalments.

First Published : 28th July 1967 - 22nd November 1968, as a serial novel in weekly 'Amrito'

Illustrations : Unknown

First published in book form : 'Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa', 1969

Jacket Design : Ajit Gupta ; No illustrations inside

Also featured in the book : 'Ghanada Toshyo Toshyo Omnibus', 1983

Illustrations : None




From 'Ghanada Gallery' Website

[Click to Enlarge]

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa'

Opening page of the First instalment

'Amrito', 28th July 1967

Artist : Unknown

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website
From 'Ghanada Gallery' Website

'Toshyo Toshyo Awthobaa Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa'

Opening page of the Final instalment

'Amrito', 22nd November 1968

Artist : Unknown

'Shurjo Knaadley Shonaa', 1967-1968

'Mongolgrohey Ghanada' ('Ghanada on Mars'), 1972

Martian Marriage Marred...

First Published in : 'Ultorath', Kaartik, 1894 Shakabda (1972)

Illustration : Unknown

First published in book form : 'Mongolgrohey Ghanada', 1973

Jacket Design / Illustrations : Narayan Debnath

From the book 'Mongolgrohey Ghanada', 1973

Artist : Narayan Debnath

From 'Ghanada gallery' website
From 'Ghanada gallery' website
From 'Ghanada gallery' website


'Mongolgrohey Ghanada'

'Byaraajaaley Ghanada'

. This sketch, along with the artist's signature

was horizontally flipped in a later Shoibya edition of the book.










. This one was rotated sidewise

...and finally omitted altogether.










. Changes occured in the 'Brihat Ghanada Shankalan' (1993) version.

Following a set trend [See 'Ghanadar Juri Nei'],

all the Debnath-Ghanashyam faces were replaced with Ajit Gupta ones.

Often the look direction changed in the process.

Besides stock Gupta profiles were sprinkled throughout.


From the book 'Brihat Ghanada Shankalan', 1993

Artist : Narayan Debnath, Ajit Gupta

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website
From 'Ghanada Gallery' website

[Click to Enlarge]

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website
From 'Ghanada Gallery' website
From 'Ghanada Gallery' website

[Click to Enlarge]

[Click to Enlarge]

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website

[Click to Enlarge]

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website

. Further changes in the 2003 edition of 'Ghanada Bichitraa' !

This time Ghanashyam heads by Robin Basu

- inspired by Ajit Gupta -

were superimposed on the original Narayan Debnath ones.


. First juvenile Ghanada novel, relating his own exploits.


. Ghanashyam had his first view of Mars in 'Phuto'.


. Versatile artist Narayan Debnath (1926 - ) had drawn our hero in profile for 'Bhyalaa' (1972).

The 'Mongolgrohey Ghanada' book (1973), and

'Byaraajaaley Ghanada' a few months later,

shows his smart, clean-shaven protagonist very clearly.

From 'Ultorath', Kaartik, 1894 Shakabda

Artist : Unknown

'Mongolgrohey Ghanada'
'Mongolgrohey'. From 'Ghanada Bichitraa', 2003

'Tel Deben Ghanada' ('Ghanada : Oil Supplier'), 1978

Oil for All

First Published in : 'Anandamela' Puja annual, 1978

Illustrations : Aloke Dhar

First published in book form : 'Tel Deben Ghanada', 1979

Jacket Design / Illustrations : Ahibhushan Malik


'Tel Deben Ghanada'

From the 'Anandamela' Puja annual , 1978

Artist : Aloke Dhar

From 'Ghanada gallery' Website
From 'Ghanada gallery' Website

From the book 'Tel Deben Ghanada', 1979

Artist : Ahibhushan Malik

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website

Ghanashyam Das by

Aloke Dhar




. Second juvenile Ghanada novel.


. Stylized sketches in B/W and colour by Aloke Dhar

decorated the first Ghanada novel published in 'Anandamela'.

Four short stories had already featured

in this periodical's regular issues & annuals.


. A year later, the book version boasted of illustrations by Ahibhushan Malik (1924 - 1986),

in his characteristic cartoonish style.


. In spite of stylistic differences, both

Aloke Dhar and Ahibhushan Malik

seem to have modeled their hero on the Ajit Gupta prototype.

'Tel Deben Ghanada', 1978

Coelacanth ? Ghana Can.

First Published in : 'Anandamela' Puja annual, 1986

Illustrations : Samir Sarkar

First published in book form : 'Mandhatar Tope O Ghanada', 1987

Jacket Design / Illustrations : Debasish Deb


'Mandhatar Tope O Ghanada'

From the 'Anandamela' Puja annual , 1986

Artist : Samir Sarkar

From 'Ghanada gallery' Website
From 'Ghanada gallery' Website

From the book

'Mandhatar Tope O Ghanada', 1987

Artist : Debasish Deb

From 'Ghanada Gallery' website

Ghanashyam Das by

Samir Sarkar


Debasish Deb

'Mandhatar Tope O Ghanada' ('Ghanada and the Prehistoric Bait'), 1986

From ' Ghanada gallery ' Website

. Samir Sarkar (1934 - 2013) & Debasish Deb (1955 - )

gifted us brightly coloured pix of the Loch Ness Monster in 'Anandamela' and the book version respectively.


. Both artists gave our hero a smart, clean-shaven look.

. Final Ghanada novel.


. In spite of his failing vision, Premendra Mitra regularly kept tabs on the latest archaeological and scientific discoveries.

An article on the 'Coelacanth' fish from a Soviet periodical

inspired him to pen his last novel, two years before his death.



From ' Ghanada Gallery '  Website

From 'Contents' of  'Anandamela' annual, 1986

[Click to Enlarge]

From an article by noted author Kinnar Ray

'Mandhatar Tope', 1986
'Ghanada Gallery' Website
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From 'Ghanada Gallery' Website

Juvenile fiction in Bengali is dominated by the ‘Da’-s. Tenida, Pheluda, Wrijuda, Pindida….


Ghanashyam Das was among the first to popularise this trend.


Ghanada’s zany yarns were originally decorated with a set of uber-cool drawings complementing his persona.

Sadly, only a sprinkling is gettable at present.


This website, a companion to our Facebook Page 'Ghanada Gallery', ventures to display the illustrious Ghanada illustrations. 


And more… if you’re keen !





Saurabh Datta

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